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Writing has always been a love of mine since I was a child. Being a Christian writer is a blessing to my life. Through my writings it has blessed, encouraged and inspired others.

Pauline's Bio Continued

I am blessed that the Lord has given me an indescribable desire to read and write about HIS words to expound up on them, line by line, precept by precept so that I am able to share with others. In that I have written more than one million words over a life time. My dream is to expound about every book of God's word written in the New Testament titled, "The Strait and Narrow Way Volume #1 - #27.  I have a YouTube channel, and a website "Pauline Zellner Ministries" where you will find expressions of

God's words in such a way that every reader and hearer will understand with divine comprehension His desire for their life, which is to love Him so much they live every breath on the straight and narrow way ever pleasing Him and all things.

Be blessed!


Other writings included instructional books on how to study for the real-estate exams, how to create your own catering business, "Born In Heaven", "The Rapture Card", "The Grand Lady", as well as lyrics to several songs. I love supporting my daughter Sandy in her business, Robison Tactical - Faith Family Firearms, by assisting her as an Assistant Editor in social media postings and her newsletter, Friends of Freedom". More importantly through encouragement, love and prayer.

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